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The Tree of Life, part 2

The Tree of Life, part 2

Last month I wrote about some of what I had learned as a result of my study of a small island in the Florida Keys. I noted that I was often amazed at how much of history could be elucidated through a study of place rather than only through linear history. For me...
Biofuel Research Steps With Boeing and Mexico

Biofuel Research Steps With Boeing and Mexico

Unlike other fuel users, which have renewable energy options such as wind, solar, or water-powered energy, almost all (93%) of transportation fuel comes from petroleum. Petroleum is a finite resource, and the process of extracting crude oil and then burning petroleum...
9 Important Organizations That Protect The Environment

9 Important Organizations That Protect The Environment

Given the change in national administration, and the resulting worries of the environmental and scientific community, one of the most important causes to get yourself involved with is protecting our environment. Environmental protection has emerged as an issue that...
What is Biodiversity?

What is Biodiversity?

In the most general terms, biodiversity (a shortened version of the term biological diversity) is a term used to characterize the variety of life on Earth. The concept was developed to encapsulate all living organisms, from humpback whales to rose bushes to bacteria....