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The Tree of Life, part 2

The Tree of Life, part 2

Last month I wrote about some of what I had learned as a result of my study of a small island in the Florida Keys. I noted that I was often amazed at how much of history could be elucidated through a study of place rather than only through linear history. For me...
What is Environmental Economics?

What is Environmental Economics?

Environmental economics is a term you may have heard, but not be familiar with. This is a short introduction to the field of study, the profession, and the impact of environmental economics on development. Environmental economics deals with the relationship between...
What is Biodiversity?

What is Biodiversity?

In the most general terms, biodiversity (a shortened version of the term biological diversity) is a term used to characterize the variety of life on Earth. The concept was developed to encapsulate all living organisms, from humpback whales to rose bushes to bacteria....