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The Farm to Table movement has recently become a national trend. The movement focuses on the sale of products directly to local homes and restaurants, rather than through global grocery stores and markets. This trend is intended to focus on creating a better world by cutting costs, reducing waste, and overall contributing to a sustainable environment, while focusing on the health of citizens. According to CUESA, the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture, lettuce travels over 2000 miles before it reaches its market destination for final sale. This means adding time, transportation costs, and extra chemicals to the food product before it can be sold to a household or restaurant. CUESA’s analysis suggest that all this is damaging to the environment and the health of humans. The Farm to Table Movement focuses on an approach to creating a better overall life.


A big benefit in the Farm to Table Movement is knowing where the food that we consume comes from. As mentioned, food can travel thousands of miles to reach its destination. Because of this, chemicals have to be added to keep the food fresh and looking good. By purchasing food from local farmers, consumers are able to understand the farming processes needed in order to grow the food. You can even visit a farm to see where your food is coming from and how it is grown, or raised. By shopping locally, you’ll feel better because you’ll know exactly where your food came from.


The Farm to Table Movement also focuses more broadly on creating a sustainable environment. For example, by purchasing from local farmers, businesses save on shipping costs and equipment. One of the leading factors impacting the environment is transportation. On top of transportation, companies have to worry about packing materials, employee costs, and foods that are perishable or go to waste. In sum, all of these factors can impact the global environment, and affect our own well-being. Supporting local farmers should lead to a decrease in these impacts, which will ultimately contribute to a more sustainable environment.


The Farm to Table movement can also empower local communities. When farms create relationships and do business with local organizations in the community, the local economy becomes stronger. Jobs are created locally, rather than outsourced, while families are able to “eat healthy”. Children can also benefit, as schools can make an impact by teaching students about farming and growing their own food. Ideally, the economic and social impact will benefit schools, neighborhoods, and non-profit organizations that impact the community.