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A Look at Record Glacial Melting & It’s Implications

A Look at Record Glacial Melting & It’s Implications

Climate change, polar vortex, global warming — these terms appear more and more frequently in the news and on social media, often relating to the melting of glacial ice in Antarctica, Greenland, and mountain ranges around the world. According to the National...
How Climate and Farming Interact

How Climate and Farming Interact

As the effects of global change become more noticeable, farms and ranches will be among the first industries to suffer. The human-caused buildup of greenhouse gases that we’re currently experiencing has been shown to lead to a greater frequency of extreme weather...
Can Blockchain Technology Save The Environment

Can Blockchain Technology Save The Environment

Recently, a new wrinkle has been added to the global climate change issue. Few challenges are more worrisome than the myriad posed by the worldwide growth in greenhouse gas emissions. Global CO2 emissions are predicted to total 37.1 billion tons this year, a 2.7%...
Unpacking The Top Myths About Climate Change

Unpacking The Top Myths About Climate Change

The data doesn’t lie: average global temperatures have risen by about two degrees Fahrenheit in the past century, and even more in polar areas. In addition, of the 17 warmest years on record, 16 have taken place since 2001. Skeptics may attribute these trends to...